Searching for Entities

Application Tool / Status Bar Calls

This function is called by clicking the Application tool-bar push button: Search.

Mandatory Prerequisites

There are no Mandatory Prerequisites related to accessing the Searches function.

Screenshot and Field Descriptions: example - Owner



Name Containing: this is an optional field to filter the list of records in the table. Enter a value then click the Application tool-bar push button: Search to re-populate the table.

Searches are not case sensitive. Dyer is the same as DYER, dyer etc.

Search table: this is populated with the list of available records. Double clicking a row will close the Search function and populate the application with the selected record. Some applications allow the selection of multiple rows.


How Do I : Search for an Entity: example - Owner

  1. Open the Owner maintenance application.
  2. Click in the Owner field.
  3. This will activate the Owner Application tool-bar push button: Search.
  4. Clicking the above will open the Owner Search function.
  5. Optionally enter a value in the Name Containing field then click the Application tool-bar push button: Search Grid to further filter the records shown.
  6. Optionally toggle the Application tool-bar push button: Archived then click the Application tool-bar push button: Search Grid to re-populate the records shown.
  7. Locate the required row in the Search table and double click.
  8. This will populate the Owner application with the selected record.

Refer to the topic on Grids to see how to further filter and sort the Search table.

How Do I : Select multiple rows from the Search function: example - Lease Charge Projection

Some processing and reporting screens have search fields that can contain multiple values.

  1. Open the Lease Charge Projection application.
  2. Click in the COA field.
  3. This will activate the COA Application tool-bar push button: Search.
  4. Clicking the above will open the COA Search function.
  5. To select multiple rows from the Search table that are:
    1. continuous - hold down [Shift] and then click the first and last of the group of rows, or click and drag the mouse over the required rows.
    2. non-continuous - hold down [Ctrl] and click the required rows.
  6. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Select to return the records to the COA field of the Lease Charge Projection application.

Related Topics

Entity Searches are associated with the following Topics: